Text Messaging Support

Private encrypted messaging for on-the-go support!

Text Message Support Options

Ready to start?

Why choose text message support?

  • Private encrypted messaging for on-the-go support!
  • Great for those who have extra questions or need minor troubleshooting
  • Ideally suited for parents who want more support after a postpartum consultation 
  • Pairs well with prenatal consults so you can utilize the text support once baby arrives
  • Great way to exchange photos and videos for additional support

15 days of text messaging support


30 days of text messaging support


I almost quit breastfeeding until I found Hannah. Out of the many professionals I’ve reached out to during my breastfeeding journey, Hannah has been the one I needed most. Not only is she full of knowledge, she is immensely kind and understanding. I highly recommend taking advantage of the 30 day text support package. Knowing what I know now, it is 1000% worth it. There will undoubtedly be questions you have down the road, and having access to her is priceless. I cannot recommend this enough!

Chelsy O.


Need a Custom Package?

Think you need more than just one face-to-face (or video) consult? Or do you want to be able to reach me via phone/text more frequently? Breastfeeding looks different for everyone, so this package is the best option for those who feel that their situation needs something more (or less)!
